Leifsson, Leifur

Leifur Leifsson

Dr. Leifsson is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University (ISU). He received his undergraduate and master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Iceland in 1999 and 2000, respectively, and a doctoral degree in Aerospace Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2006. Dr. Leifsson’s research focuses on uncertainty quantification and optimal design under uncertainty using scientific machine learning. Current applications include model-based analysis of nondestructive testing systems, aerodynamic shape optimization, and microwave systems design. Prior coming to ISU, Dr. Leifsson was a faculty member of Mechanical Engineering at Reykjavik University (RU) in Iceland. He has held positions at Airbus UK Ltd. and Hafmynd ehf. (now Teledyne-Gavia ehf.).